Saturday 15 October 2016

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TOP 10 The Fast Way to Get Rich and Earn A Hundred Thousand Dollar per Month !

    Gertrude Stein, who was a writer and avid art collector, once wrote, “I do want to get rich but I never want to do what there is to do to get rich.” How many people have said that throughout the years? Surely everyone at one point in their life has had the desire to make a ton of money, but not everyone does. It seems like it would be a lot of really hard work to become a millionaire, or at least financially stable. There must be a way to earn a lot of cash without having to work on your feet twenty-four hours a day. Here are ten lazy ways to get rich. They may not all be easy and for few of them, a lot of luck will be needed, but for a lot of them, you possibly won’t even have to leave your couch.

    There are so many websites available these days, where all you need is a laptop or a computer sitting on your desk as your only investment. You just need to know where to look. There are microjobs, where businesses will pay workers tiny amounts of money (normally in the 20-30 cent range) to do menial jobs that take very little time to do. All you have to do is look up a few things on Google and they will instantly credit your account with money. There are also sites that pay you to use your computer to write for them.  Places like Fiverr and Fourerr have a way where you can register your information and tell people what you will be willing to do for four or five dollars, and then you get hired by people who want that work done. It doesn’t seem like much, but if you are sitting at your desk all day long, that type of money can definitely add up quickly.
    You can also buy your own domain name, and if you have the skills to design web pages, develop your own website. Businesses will pay you when you put their advertisements on your site and when people “click” on them. This is also a good way to start a business online. It may not be the quickest way to make money, but it just might work in the long run. And if you have companies advertising on your site, it’s like “killing two birds with one stone.”

    One just can’t simply “become a heir,” they have to be born into it. If your parents are already wealthy, chances are you will be, too. Just make sure that you treat your parents well and with respect so that one day, they might just make you as wealthy as they are.  You might also have a large sum of money coming to you from that great uncle that you never met and he wanted to do something nice inhis last breath by leaving you his fortune. You never know.

    Every now and then, almost everyone will drive past a house with that large sign in their yard promising great deals and have that urge to pull over to find out what exactly they have in their garage. So sometimes we stop and look around to see what fabulous items we can find. Okay, it happens that the items are not so fabulous, but on occasion there is that really rare antique vase that catches our eye and we must grab it up before someone else does, hoping that it could be worth way more than that 75 cents that we paid for it. So if you do find that rare, antique piece of art, take it to an antique dealer right away; it could be worth millions.
    The stock market is a very risky business, and most people who invest in it already have the funds they need in order to gamble it away. It is a lazy and sometimes easy way to get rich, if you have the money in the beginning. There are some products and businesses that everyone knows are doing rather well, but these stocks are already expensive. If you want to invest in a less costly business, it is a huge risk to invest money in it if you don’t know how well the business will thrive, or if it will tank while you are invested. You can always start with a small amount and take it from there.


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